MARINO IBERICAMED S.L. is in cooperation with some animal health , biocide , feed additive and nutritional supplement products manufacturer companies for marketing and promotion and selling of their products in some specific countries on the world.
– ENVISAL GmbH COMPANY ( GERMANY ): Marino Ibericamed is authorized for marketing of this company’s products in Spain and some countries on the world.
Products of ENVISAL Company (Germany) :
– BelVitunipharm Company ( BELARUS ): JSC “BELVITUNIPHARM” is a leading manufacturer of vaccines, sera and pharmacological veterinary preparations in the Republic of Belarus and the CIS countries. The enterprise was founded in 1930 under the name “Vitebsk Biofactory named after V.I. Yakov Romanovich Kovalenko. In 2006 – 2010 a large-scale reconstruction was carried out as part of the implementation of the innovative project “Expansion of UE “Vitebsk Biofactory”, as a result of which the newest production complex with an area of 18,700 m2 was put into operation.
Marino Ibericamed is exclusive partner of Belvitunipharm company for marketing of this company’s products in countries in Middle East( Iran , Iraq , Lebanon ,Jordan, Saudi Arabia , ..) Algeria , Egypt , Sudan , Nigeria…